Shared Use of Victorian Marine Education Centre - VSS & RGYC
Shared usage comparisons for VSS/OTB & RGYC can be viewed HERE.
Please see tabs for Ground Level, First Level & Second Level.
In summary, VSS utilise VSS areas 40 weeks per year, Monday to Friday 3pm.
RGYC utilise RGYC areas 52 weeks per year, plus VSS areas when not used by VSS.
Area Comparison just for OTB 23/04/2021 GW
Existing Building
Canteen and Store 31.4m2
Meeting Room 92.0m2
Deck 52.0m2
Radio Room 5.8m2
Male Amenities 70.0m2 seating 20.0 l/m
Female Amenities 69.0m2 seating 24.0 l/m
Opti Sail Store 18.0m2
TOTAL 338m2
Area available to the OTB as per Terrior dwgs 10/03/2021
Ground Floor
Multi-purpose under cover 92m2
Over head deck cover (alfresco) 120m2
Canteen and Store 27m2
Male Amenities 84m2
Female Amenities 84m2
Disability Amenities 14m2
Opti/Sailing Lockers 32m2
1st Floor
Deck 120m2
Multi-purpose room 143m2
Kitchen/Store 50m2
Classrooms 92m2
Dormitories 152m2
Toilets 26m2
2nd Floor
Radio/Control Room 39m2
Viewing Deck 46m2
TOTAL 1121m2